Sunday 22 March 2015

Be Careful Of What You Sign

It would seem we could not even trust petition sites anymore either. Rumours have been floating around that Yousign(dot)org, YouSignAnimals(Dot)Org are all ran by the same individual located in Romania. We did some investigative research into these rumours to make sure it was all true before we placed a warning here.
Unfortunately, we found that the rumours are not rumours it is facts.
Quoting from the Original poster-
Dear friends, i have decided to post NO MORE petitions and is registered on a Romanian businessman, he is NOT an animal lover. The other two sites have the same layout and there are also the same petitions posted as on These two sites are registered to an address of the offers a website registry on its own company address, if the website operator wants to hide his private data and doesn’t want to publish it on the internet. So the two domains are registred on a fake address! We are convinced, that this Romanian businessman is earning big money with animal suffering. For every click on these sites/petitions the website operator gets money from advertising partners. We will not support this anymore! Please spread this information and don’t let yourself get influenced by the cruel animal images posted on these pages. If you want to reconstruct our information. Click on ‘’ and put in the website name, eg ‘’, then click ‘Submit’.
You can see now on which person the website is registrated. On ‘’ you can read, which services the company is offering.
Since this warning was sent to us, we reconstructed their investigation. Just to make sure there were no mistakes.
They are affiliated with ‘GoDaddy’ many advocates know of Ex-CEO Bob Parsons, who killed an elephant and proudly boasted about this on his twitter account! Of course, this was all done in 2011 however; we will not be affiliated with supporting their company or those who are ‘hosted’ on their servers. Even if a new CEO is in place of Mr. Parsons, that company to us is barred in our eyes. Many other host or server sites are available to use and are inexpensive, for those who wish to save monies or create petition sites. If yousign truly cared, they would have searched for other options.
Please see below the following screen grabs.
From other sources of information, the petitions go nowhere and they are mainly used for advertising revenue. They use your details for spamming and mailing lists. Unfortunate as this sounds because most of the petitions on there are well written and stated and although these petition creators work hard on their petitions. Some become unnoticed or others never become sent out… We are not attacking the “petition creators” we are warning against the CEO and founder of Yousign and yousignanimal. It is always up to the petition creator to have these petitions sent out. Although, from our understanding even if the petition creator hit send to target, the petition would never arrive, some have even tried to download the signatures however, to no avail. When they contacted the sites to fix this issue they never received a response back. We will be cautious from this point on and stay with Care2, Causes, Avaaz, and
We have also found that Dragos Vana is on Facebook, admitting to owning both petitions sites. We also noticed he takes a great many trips around the world, no doubt on the revenue he is making off the petition sites.
This is not right in the least. Profiting off the animals suffering is animal abuse. Especially when those monies could be going to funding rescues, medications or food. As of now, we will no longer allow YouSign petitions on our Facebook pages, blogs or groups. We 100% denounce these sites.
If any more details come forward about these sites, we will update everyone. Please be careful of what you sign.
Comments are now CLOSED

Saturday 14 March 2015

9 bullets

Sheriff Don Anderson says someone was checking gas wells near the closed roadside park off of I-45, just south of Dew, last week.  That’s when a Mexia couple found nine dead pit bulls and called authorities. Sheriff Anderson says each dog had been shot in the head.
Nine dogs. Nine dogs lined up and shot in the head. Pop. Pop. Pop. Pop. Pop. Pop. Pop. Pop. Pop. Pop. Nine bullets from one gun, shot by one person. 
People, Wake up. Wake the f@ck up. Nine dogs killed because some irresponsible f@cktard refused to be a responsible owner and keep their dogs at home. 
No, they are not victims of dog fighting, they are victims of an irresponsible owner who allowed her dogs to leave her property time after time which led to the dogs attacking and killing the neighbors’ family dogs over a 3 month period. She did nothing to stop it, even after knowing what they were doing. The law was called every time and the people were told they couldn’t help them, they would have to handle it themselves. The neighbor made a very poor decision as to how it was handled, and I am horrified by it, but if the owner had just kept her dogs confined, none of this would’ve happened. We also need much better laws on nuisance animals in rural areas so that people don’t have to go through this. People also don’t need to have more dogs than they can properly care for. Having 12 Pit bulls, one being pregnant, and claiming you can’t afford to fix them is ridiculous!!- Kristi O
What will it take for people to start waking up? Nine dogs being slaughtered in a field isn’t a big enough wake up call? Let me see if I can break it down for you:
There are groups of people who spend every waking minute trying to figure out how to kill your dogs.
In fact, right at this moment- they are rejoicing at someone killing these nine dogs. 
keep your mauler in your home or it will end up dead, simple!- Anthony Michael Ridge, member
This is what they want and stupid irresponsible pathetic excuses for dog owners are giving it to them. Honestly, the owner of these dogs might as well of shot each and everyone of those dogs themselves. 
Dogs might accidently get out, but some people are letting their dogs just run around unleashed & unsupervised. If you are one of those morons- do me a favor, do responsible dog owners a favor and rehome your dogs. 
This is what we need to see everywhere, until people who own these mutants start being afraid every second of the day that their maulers will get killed. You know, the way we have to live with our normal pets and our children, always worried a gripping mutant will show up suddenly and kill them.- Jan Smith, member
F@ck you Jan Smith (the coward hiding behind a fake profile.) Responsible pit type dog owners shouldn’t have to be afraid of sociopathic animal abusing pieces of crap like yourself, but it’s responsible dog owners & their dogs that pay the price for shitty dog owners. It’s our dogs that freaks like Jan and her animal abusing buddies are gunning for. It’s our dogs they talk about tossing poisoned treats over our fences too. It’s our dogs & family members they talk about stabbing & shooting. 
actually consider this good news- Ron S, member
Enough is Enough. I am one of those people that thinks dog ownership is a privilege and not a right. Not every Joe Blow and their inbred cousin should own a dog because it’s obvious that some people don’t have the working brain cells to be responsible. A dog isn’t a yard ornament. A dog is not a fashion accessory. A dog is an animal that if not taken care of can hurt, get hurt, kill or be killed.
The death of these nine dogs was 100% preventable. It wasn’t an accident or a fluke. The dogs owners and the shooter need to be thrown in. Jail cell together. 
Please, this needs to stop. These nine dogs deserved better than this. Every single f@cking dog no matter the breed deserves better than this. Everytime a irresponsible dog owner just lets their dog run loose, it’s just adding a nail to their coffin. One day, a car might kill it, a police officer, another dog, animal control or a member and it will be your fault.
Needle, gunshot, what’s the diff?- Andy Klien, member

.Pop. Pop. Pop. Pop. Pop. Pop. Pop. Pop. Nine dogs killed by human irresponsibility.