Wednesday 27 April 2016

Clark Ay Caramba says "I'm only guessing, but I bet that dog chased after the trash man one too many times!))"

Now this once again is a true indication of the true nature of their so-called public safety advocacy with them coming out in support of an individual that done this;

"Last Wednesday, Clifford Green says his 9-year-old dog named Buddy was playing in the yard with his two children when Buddy began chasing a garbage truck that drove by.
“The guy stopped the truck, got out, came and attacked my dog with a bat,” Green said.
Green says his 10-year-old daughter and 4-year-old son witnessed the entire incident and the employee of Progressive Waste Solutions didn’t stick around to speak to the family.
“The guy just left my dog pretty much there… beaten,” Green said. “My 10-year-old, she’s constantly asked me, ‘what would make a person do that to our dog?'"

And just have a look at the complete lack of compassion coupled with their willingness to make stuff up supposedly justifying what this animal abuser did to the children's pet right in front of them?

Garbage man takes a baseball bat to loose pitbull. (Pit owner cited for loose dog. (Lee county, FL animal control pretty good getting the job done. I'm only guessing, but I bet that dog chased after the trash man one too many times!))

Owner: Dog loses eye after being hit by garbage man April 25, 2016 0 Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter LEHIGH ACRES, Fla.- A man says his two young…
Dennis Baker Good for him, I willing to bet he fought for his life.
William Johnson This moron owner blew a teaching moment with his children. He should have explained to them their dog was hurt because of his irresponsibility.
Clark Ay Caramba Perhaps a rhetorical question but, "Has a pit bull owner ever grasped a teaching moment?"
James Duncan "Green still wonders why the truck driver was carrying around a bat." This is because a pit bull would likely ignore dog whistles, pepper spray, etc. See numerous online news accounts where this was the case.
S.J. Martin Why was this sweet pibbly wibbley loose??
Clark Ay Caramba I went over to "Progressive Waste Solutions" FB page, and commented... yikes the nutters are attacking!
Waste Management

Progressive Waste Solutions

Linda Ann Won't let me write a review??
Clark Ay Caramba Norberto got in... Attaboy Norberto (but remember, you are preaching to / arguing with... P'idiots! over there. They disregard logic.)
Tricia Malone So sick of people complaining that their loose dog got hurt. DUH!
Lacy Marsh I am sad ONLY because I am an animal lover but when one of those get loose it is your life on the line. I keep saying I need to buy bear mace. I guess what made me sad is it reminds me of all the animals they destroyed or taken their eyes out. It is sad they destroy. Of course they stick up for the dog the guy was freaked out who wouldn't be he knows the damage they can do.
Irene Lobaido 100% owners fault his dog got whacked!!! Dog could have been flattened by wheels and owner would have blamed driver too!! No,.. braiddead idiot owner,..this is your DAMM fault your dog got hit!!!
Olivia Wyatt We must protect our pets, children, families, and homes. I guess the garbage man saw the danger and took matters into his own hands.
Dawn Dalyce WE NEED LAWS to protect the public from maulers !! To protect people trying to do their jobs, and the children and neighbors of the irresponsible and STUPID people who think pit bulls are fit for pets, then can't won't control and contain them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Julie Edwards-Matanga Wink News, how ironic!
Helga Joubert I was going to say something about that...
Like23 hrs
Kathleen Horton I feel empathy for munipal workiers and mail carriers who face these dangerous dogs every day they are on the job. Dog owners need to remember that leash laws protect their pibbles as well as the public. Buddy would still have his eye if the irresponsible owner kept him on a leash or behind a fence. Progessive Waste should provide its workers with bear spray from now on and should be allowed to refuse pickup at homes with aggressive dogs.

Honestly the fact these people consider what they do to be in the communities interest is puzzling to say the least but as you can see if there's an incident involving a dog they consider to be a "pit bull" it's always the pit bulls fault regardless of the actual circumstances.

Now one has to wonder why the garbage truck driver carries a weapon in his truck and despite the fact that all this 8 year old dog did was chase the truck it seems a bit extreme to beat the animal so bad one of his eyes had to removed isn't it? not according to these public safety advocates.

Well hopefully the courts will impose a sentence fitting with the psychopathic actions of this animal abuser in the hope he'll think twice before beating anyone else's pets in front of their children?

more to come.....