Friday 24 June 2016

"I set my dog on fire and it felt great!"

The unspeakable act of mistreatment towards a defenseless animal took place last week, in the rural community of Santa Maria de Campos, Rio de Janeiro province, Brazil. 

The incident shocked local residents, who are now calling for justice. Please sign and share the petition to ensure this heartless woman is held accountable for what she did!

The attacker, identified only as Fabiana, set the tiny dog on fire and left her to perish in tremendous suffering while she was giving birth. She stood there and watched as the helpless soon-to-be-mother was battling the flames.

Terry Holt's photo.

After the dog was no longer breathing, she took its remains and buried them in her yard. The little dog, known as ‘Popcorn’, was adored by the entire community and no one understands the woman’s reason to commit such a terrible act against a defenseless animal, who was only giving birth when she was viciously set alight.

As soon as residents learned what had happened, they tried to go after Fabiana to show her a piece of their mind. But the attacker fled the scene and only returned home the next morning.

“We called the Military Police of Coco Morro, but by the time they arrived, she had already fled the scene. Before leaving, however, she tried to hide the remains of Popcorn in her yard. We have photos and all the evidence police need. What a horrible thing. She must be punished for this!” one resident stated.

When local media reached out to the police for a statement, officials confirmed they had received a call about this incident, but by the time they arrived at the scene the attacker had fled and there was no body of the dog anywhere.

The attacker was eventually located and taken to the police station. But after a brief interview, she was released, with no indication of charges being filed! Up to this point, nothing has been done in this case!

Brazil does have federal laws that sanction the mistreatment of animals with a fine or imprisonment and we, the undersigned, would like to see these laws applied. We want justice for Popcorn!

Please take action now and urge the authorities to treat this case seriously and prosecute the attacker to the fullest extent of the law by signing and sharing our petition Started by Theodora Hogan 

Petitioning: Superintendente DPF Mario Semprine – SuperintendĂȘncia Regional no Rio de Janeiro.

Read more about the story in the local news: 

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