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Monday 11 July 2016

Ryan Landry "Adopts Shelter Dog Then Shoots It To Death, Police Say It’s Not A Crime"

Ryan Landry

Alright before I go ahead with the story lets talk a little about shelter dogs. Why should shelter dogs be adopted and not just shot in the face?

Because shelter dogs don’t deserve to be shot in the face and because shelter dogs deserve their forever loving home and because shelter dogs are NOT dangerous.

If there’s one word to describe shelter dogs it should be: patient, loving, friendly, lonely…you know why? Because they did not choose the life of a shelter. They were put there by people.

Its people who abandon their dogs for pathetic reasons who need to be shot in the face. After reading this post, my heart broke, really I cried and I’ve never written anything in tears, but I am now.

So I’m assuming you can tell the depth of the pain I’m going through with the frustration you feel in the article today. This is a post about a dog named Bruno, a dog who desperately yearned for his forever loving home. When the shelter put him up for adoption, a man named Ryan Landry of Berlin, New Hampshire approached them and wanted to take him home.

Bruno; so happy!

Bruno was excited and very happy to have finally found a daddy and the shelter signed an agreement with Ryan telling him that he had the right to return Bruno any time free of cost, no questions asked. Little did anyone know that Bruno would never return. After some days, Ryan tried to give away the dog through Facebook, telling people that he had no time and that Bruno was a great dog and amazing with children.

A week later, a local resident spotted Bruno in the woods, only he wasn’t alive. Because Ryan couldn’t find anyone to take Bruno, he shot the dog four times before leaving him to bleed to death.

With the help of social media, people came to realize that the dead dog was Bruno and he belonged to Ryan Landry. When the officials caught Ryan, he had the audacity to say that he shot the dog in the woods because apparently he had bitten three children, when a week ago he was claiming that Bruno was great with kids.
Long story short, this man should have taken the dog back to the shelter. The officials? Well they say it’s not a crime to shoot a dog to death in New Hampshire. Here’s an online petition to make dog murders matter. Please take a minute and show the world that dogs don’t deserve what happened to Bruno…Share this with your friends too.
Source..... heroviral
more to come.....

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